My newest four letter word happens to have five letters in it. C-O-L-I-C. I hate it. More than that jerk who shoved me on the escalator in NYC when I was pregnant or even the Doritos Truck driver I nearly vaulted 2,16 oz cups of steaming hot coffee onto for illegally cutting me off when Evie was in the car with me. I'm still kinda miffed over that. Mostly that I was on my way to an important event and didn't feel like waiting for the cops to explain my actions... but I digress.
Colic. It conjurs up horror-movie images of the nights to come, pacing the floor for hours, bleary-eyed caffiene-fueled mornings. Walking around like you're hungover without a drop to drink... fun stuff.
However, thanks to my obsessive need to find a solution to any problem, we may have found the answer to my husband getting more of the 10 hours of sleep he seems to require. I found an all-natural anti-colic homeopathic elixir. I think I would have found it a hell of alot sooner if I actually understood what colic medicine DOES. None of the so-called cures or remedies actually tell you -how- they work. Has anyone else noticed this? Even the directions on these things are pretty vague. "For use in the relief of abdominal cramping, bloating and gas". Um.. yeah ok, but Midol does the same thing and its a helluva lot cheaper. So before I spend $13 on a box of 20 doses of Dr Parnatheuses Magic Cure All Elixir and Hair Tonic, I kinda need to know..How does it work?
Can I find out on the websites of the products?..hmm.. nope. Plenty of fake testimonials and "pediatrician" recommendations though. Can I find out from the boxes of the products?...hmm.. nope. Just phrases like: "It really really works!" Can I find out on parent blogs?..hhmmm.. nope. More fake testimonials and varying opinions, with the occasional LMAO thrown in there for god knows why reason. How wonderfully unhelpful.
Family friend and recent parent of a second little one to the rescue!! Turns out colic "medicines" simply break surface tension among smaller bubbles creating one super bubble that turn your baby from screaming mess into Charlie from the chocolate factory after consuming Fizzy-Lifting Drink (R). It's quite impressive.
We'll see how things progress because one thing is certain, my gassy baby ain't getting no less gassy son.