
Truely Thankful

Yesterday was Thanksgiving. The traditional time of the year to sit back and reflect on what you are thankful for in your life. Since I often reflect on the semi-charmed life that I seem to lead and give thanks for it, it took me a bit to find other things to be thankful for. It was about mid-dinner yesterday that I discovered multiple ancillary blessings I've received over my lifetime.

For instance, my ability to suck down a full plate of food in about 3 minutes. Thank you Catholic school meal system. All those days where I got less than 10 minutes to eat my lunch, after taking 20 minutes to obtain it, really paid off when my child started screaming for her own meal yesterday.

My ability to ascend a flight of stairs in less than 5 seconds. Thank you, 12 years of dance education, for making me limber enough to bolt up a crooked 18c. flight of stairs as if it were only one step (and not break my neck or fall on my fat rear-end).

My ability to operate in a somewhat semi-intelligent fashion on less than 5 hours of sleep and an overall 28 hr sleep deficit. Thank you, late-night college cram sessions, for prepping me on how to be a functioning zombie and for teaching me the miraculous value of espresso.

On a more serious note, I am extremely grateful for my healthy family, my healthy baby and my dear husband.

Happy post-Thanksgiving everyone!

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